In Poland, there are almost 4.7 million people with disabilities [1]. This is as much as 12.2% of the country’s population!
We try to make their everyday life a little easier. Together with the Eco Textil Foundation, we create many great initiatives to support the disabled.
And with each smile, our hearts are melting! See what we are working on and the results of our actions.
Unique activity for exceptional people
The Eco Textil Foundation was established in 2012 by Wtórpol, a textile recycling company. From the beginning, its focus has been on helping people who are struggling with various types of disabilities.
The Foundation is the only one in Poland to donate rehabilitation bikes. These are available to private persons and to a network of nationwide rental shops free of charge.
Their number is constantly growing due to huge interest and demand. The Foundation has already donated above 6,000 tricycles and equipment with a market value of over 15 million PLN.
In 2019 the range of rental companies has increased by:
550 wheelchairs,
550 orthopedic crutches,
550 walkers.

Nobody has done anything like that in Poland yet! Equipment with a market value of over 500,000 PLN is already available for those in need, in free rental shops throughout the country!
We are proud to participate in the promotion of such unique initiatives for people whose needs are often unnoticed and not supported as they should be.
Opening of the 100th rental shop in Warsaw together with the Eco Textil Foundation and the Polish Red Cross
The opening of each rental shop is always accompanied by positive emotions and great joy. One of the most fun and engaging events recently was the opening of the 100th bicycle and rehabilitation equipment rentals in Warsaw.
Its occasional nature fits perfectly into the 100th anniversary of the Polish Red Cross. Our team was responsible for the media coverage of this event and for inviting journalists to the opening ceremony.

The press release, prepared in cooperation with the Director of PRC Mazovia Province Branch, was eagerly received. The planned opening was reported on by many sources. Amongst them were the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Capital City of Warsaw for bicycle communication, Nasze Miasto, Eska, and Super Express.
However, the real challenge was still ahead of us, as we wanted to ensure a high media presence at the opening. As you know, in Warsaw it is not easy to get the attention of busy editorial offices. Especially if it is quite a niche topic and carried out non-commercially.

However, we put a lot of heart and effort into the organization of this event, and … we made it!
Information about what happened during the opening, as well as the whole idea of the rental company, was again reported by many editorial offices. These included Gazeta Wyborcza, Radio Warszawa, Radio Plus, and – the largest Polish portal on disability.
The event was also attended by many people. There were those interested in using the equipment, who attended with their families. On top of that, we welcomed students from nearby schools, and even a family from Greater Poland who are friends of the Foundation.
At the mere mention of that day, we still have broad smiles on our faces.
What challenges in the communication of the Eco Textil Foundation do we face every day?
One of the biggest challenges is stirring up media interest in topics that appeal to a specific group of people. They are also not “light and pleasant” threads, sometimes they involve unpleasant stories.
For us, however, nothing is impossible! Materials about the Foundation’s activities and the stories of its charges appear, not only in local but also in national media. For instance, Radio Zet, Forbes, Gazeta Wyborcza, and Onet.

We have also started cooperation with the Kupuj Odpowiedzialnie (Buy Responsibly) Foundation. This Foundation provides information on its website about how to support the disabled. Due to this approach, the topic, which may seem to be a niche, is gaining more and more publicity on a national scale.
We also conduct communication in a very delicate and balanced way, so as not to offend anyone. But at the same time, it is to the point so as to reliably inform people about the facts.
Since the Foundation’s activities are conducted on a large scale, so also are reports or comments about equipment problems or materials that require intervention. The key to success here is, above all, understanding. That and a quick response to all inquiries and publications.