Locon: Media Relations

Customers coming to us often have already experienced more or less effective PR activities. This was also the case with the Locon brand. The company had been conducting marketing and PR activities for some time. This time, it decided to carry out communication activities around a range of services targeted at seniors.


A few words about the Client

Locon has over 25 years of experience in providing services in the field of comprehensive family safety, offering monitoring and location-based products and telecare services not only for seniors but also for children and even pets.


Modern devices

Locon has its own IT and technological infrastructure, enabling the continuous development of applications and devices based on top-quality sensors. Over 1 million users across Poland benefit from the services of LOCON “Bezpieczna Rodzina” (Locon Safe Family).

Locon’s telecare service includes a measurement device, an application, and the care of the Rescue and Monitoring Center. The protected patient is monitored using a wristband. In the event of an alarm for too low or too high blood pressure, a fall, or a SOS call for help, the medical rescue center is immediately notified. In a life-threatening situation, the on-duty rescuer decides to dispatch an ambulance immediately to provide assistance.


Objectives and Challenges of the Project

The main goal of our activities was to promote the Locon SOS telecare services targeted at seniors. The challenge was to implement communication within a short period of 6-8 weeks directly preceding the heightened customer interest in purchasing Locon products, as well as the promotional pricing planned by the client for Black Friday, followed by St. Nicholas Day and Christmas.

Our goal was to reach as many media outlets and potential users as possible, so we created content tailored to the target audience. We also enriched the materials with interesting data related to senior care in Poland and abroad, as well as the overall development of the senior services market. The biggest challenge of the project was shifting away from purely product-focused communication that the client had conducted in the past, in favor of communication based on engaging content in earned media.




Implementation of the Project

In the communication regarding LOCON SOS, we focused on properly tailoring content to the audience and offering editorial exclusive materials.

We decided to direct the communication to several very different groups of media:

  • Media targeted at users (seniors) – where we focused on explaining the service’s functionality and highlighting its benefits for seniors (e.g., support for independence
  • Local media – popular among older individuals: TVP, Gazeta Bałtycka
  • Health category media – aimed at individuals interested in health monitoring (including caregivers of the elderly) – where communication was based on emphasizing the service’s benefits as support in caring for seniors: MedicalPress, Forum Neurologiczne
  • Technology media – to leverage the opportunity to present the client’s service as a modern solution based on new technologies: ITWIZ, TechnoSenior, Newseria Innowacje





Effects of our activities

In just a few weeks of collaboration, we generated several publications. The materials created for the media were positively received by the editorial teams. Within a very short time, the publications appeared on several portals, and we also conducted an interview on one of the platforms most frequently watched by seniors on TVP3 and TVPInfo.

During our collaboration, our client’s product was also featured on the Dzień Dobry TVN program:






Seniorzy.pl,mój.powiat.pl, twoje-miasto.pl, Newseria Lifestyle