Mobee Dick: Raport Polska jest MOBI 2018 (Poland is MOBI 2018 report)

We had the pleasure to promote POLAND IS MOBI 2018 Report prepared by our client – Mobee Dick. We had planned media communication two months earlier. That is why we knew that on the day of publishing the report the whole of Poland will be absorbed with it!


Poland is Mobi

Mobee Dick agency specializes in testing and designing Internet products and services, with a particular focus on mobile solutions. The report was prepared in cooperation with TNS Kantar. Thanks to them it was based on the newest research on smartphonisation of the Polish mobile market, as well as user habits and preferences.

Above all, we wanted to reach nationwide and business media with wide user coverage. Below you will find only the most important media with which we cooperated with.



On the publication day, Monika Mikowska was a guest on the TV. is the portal with the best business, economic and economical content.

The coverage of was over 50 mln estimated visits on the 23rd of April.





and online

Communication in marketing media:

The portal published an expert article on smarphonization of Poles and an extensive interview with Monika.


We also decided on interviews with Monika in 3 most popular radio stations: