CliniNote: Recognizability in the Polish media

One of the key areas of our activity is communication in the HealthTech field and projects combining technology with medicine. An example of such collaboration was the promotion in Polish media of the successfully concluded first funding round for CliniNote. Among the investors was the Berlin-based Sunfish Partners fund.


About CliniNote

The startup CliniNote was founded in 2020 by experienced professionals in the HealthTech industry: Prof. Jan Poleszczuk, Rafał Szumiec, and Robert Ługowski. Their goal was to create a tool utilizing AI to optimize the analysis of clinical data, especially in oncology. They offered hospitals and medical facilities intelligent software for real-time medical note creation, analysis, and comparison of data at the data entry stage. Previously, the verification of entered information was possible only after the fact. Additionally, doctors and medical staff often had to enter the same data multiple times into various systems, such as dedicated Clinical Research Forms (CRF) systems or real-world evidence studies. The use of artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) has accelerated this process and supported doctors and patients. In 2024, CliniNote plans to introduce its solution to major European markets, such as Germany, France, Spain, and Italy, and conduct a Proof of Concept in the United States. The company recently concluded its first funding round.





The main goal of CliniNote was to generate media interest in the success of its first funding round and the acquisition of a significant investor, namely the Berlin-based Sunfish Partners fund. Unfortunately, initial communication efforts did not yield the expected results. Only one publication appeared in a media outlet, which, however, was recognizable enough that other journalists lost interest in the announcement. At that point, the company sought assistance from our team at Come Creations Group. Our challenge was to regain media interest in information that had already been published.






Our efforts for CliniNote focused on understanding the unique values of the startup and gathering additional information that could capture the attention of editorial teams. We created a new press release and carefully selected a group of influential journalists interested in the subject matter. Leveraging our existing network of contacts and employing an individualized approach to distributing the press release, we successfully achieved the intended outcome and increased the visibility of the startup in the media.





As a result, we achieved numerous publications in significant media outlets related to new technologies and investments, such as WNP, SpidersWeb,, ISBNews, and ISBZdrowie, which garnered multiple reprints. We also captured the interest of smaller media within the client’s field of interest. Significant was the outreach to journalists who initially did not cover the investment round but expressed interest in preparing other articles about CliniNote. The new, more organized approach to media relations, enforced through collaboration with the agency, helped address initial communication challenges and laid the groundwork for further publications regarding projects undertaken by CliniNote.




